Buying a Home Property Search

You can use our advance home search feature to find your new home.

If this is your first time, it will ask you to confirm the user agreement by checking the box at the bottom of the page and hitting continue.

To start the search, check the type of property you are looking for, and any other criteria you have. If you have a specific MLS listing number you can enter that and get additional information about that listing.

Next check the area or location you are interested in. You can do this by county, city, or zip code. You can also enter street names.

Once you have set your preferences, click on the apply button to start the search and get your results.

Be sure to like your favorites so you can share those properties you wish to see with the Doris Thomas agency.

Mortgage Calculator - Use our free mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payments.

FAQ's for Buying a Home

Click on the "+" to expand answer

Do I need to start budgeting my income and expresses?

Yes. Add upfront costs, down payment and closing cost to budget.

My credit score is 615. Can I buy a house?

No! Work to build your credit score.

What about financing?

See your loan officer about getting a pre-approval letter.

Do I need a realtor?

Yes!!!! Call your realtor as soon as you decide to buy.